So you want to be a glamour model
MODELING REQUIREMENTS AND SELF-EVALUATIONWhat size do you have to be a model?Editorial and fashion female models are tall and thin, are usually 5’8″-6′ tall with hips no larger than36, usually have long necks and full lips. A full head of healthy hairand good teeth are essential.Commercial models come in a whole range of sizes…. it really depends on your “look” more thanyour size.Body and parts models can be any size… it is proportions that count.I just found on internet info that all that “slim and beauty” models almost gone and to be amodel you can look as regular people on the streets. Is it true?Browsing an internet you can find tons of absolutely unprofessional information and stupidrecommendations.It is a very easy to get an answer to your question. Just look through the last fashion magazines. Whenmodels will look as regular people on the streets they will be paid also as regular people: $10 – 15 perhour. However, some ads and fashion collections require the “street” look. Can you give me some advice?It is very difficult to give you this kind of advice without seeing you. However, if many peoplesuggested that you should consider modeling, perhaps you should. But first you have to understandwhat a modeling is about. Any client who is using a model’s services does so because the model canhelp to promote and sell their product. That is the only reason why they hire models. Just to bebeautiful is not enough to be a good model. Look through fashion magazines and you will see manynot so beautiful but very successful models. Please understand that all agencies and clients are lookingfor models with a very interesting and unique look.EVALUATIONYou have learned requirements. It was a first and an easiest step. But now you have to make a secondstep. Evaluation. It is a very critical and sometimes is a most difficult step. You have to be honestwith yourself!Look in the mirror and ask yourself: Do I have what needs to be a model?The best scenario if you are young, tall, slim and beautiful. You have good teeth, long necks and fulllips. In this case your modeling potential has no limits. Any market!But if your body is not slim – it is already a limit. If you are not tall enough – it is a limit. If you arenot young – one more limit. And each one more limit makes your modeling market more andnarrower. Some people think that anybody can become a commercial model. But commercialmodeling still has one very important requirement – you must have an acting talent.So, ask yourself: What kind of modeling is good for me? What is my market? What can make clientsto choose you to promote their collections or product? Give yourself honest – I repeat – the honestanswers and you can save a lot of time and money. And you will never be a victim of scams. 1
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