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Applying Makeup for Glamour Photography

Applying Makeup for Glamour Photography

Since glamour modeling is focused heavily upon the sexuality of the model, it is vital for the makeup to emphasize hyper-feminine features while downplaying those considered to be less attractive. This is why heavily applied cosmetics are commonly found in this industry. Achieving the natural look actually takes a huge amount of effort when it comes to preparing this genre of model.
Some consider the makeup of glamour models to be similar to that of what one would wear for an evening out. While this is true in some instances, as a general rule the amount of cosmetics used in glamour modeling should not be attempted in daily life.
Studio lighting takes away a fair amount of makeup, so a thick foundation and excessive powder is usually applied. It is vital the artist realizes the importance of matching the facial foundationto that on the chin and neckline. Having your skin changing color in the final shots is less than ideal! Some makeup artists even go so far as to apply the base coat on the neck and shoulders to achieve consistency. While this is not usually necessary, caking on the cosmetics is in order to ensure an airbrushed and flawless look that will be appealing to the model's audience.


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